Day 08
Day 8 - Long night, mouse in my tent, good rain around 4 a.m. Slept in (of course) til 8. Dayhiked up the canyon. Cloudy all morning, didn't dare go up the North Fork, so went up the more open Middle Fork. Went a ways, climbed into a few alcoves (always looked "inhabited", but all I ever found is occasional charcoal and bone fragments). Also check out some coves. Clouds again grow ominous, so back to camp. Instead, gets really hot for a while, then pours about 4:30 to 5:30. Nice cool evening after that, but water source is now cloudy, so I'll have to pump in the morning. Saw 1 hawk today on hike, some toads, an inquisitive hummingbird, and a chipmunk that came right up to me while I was fixing dinner. Actually wore my flannel jacket, and I will get to sleep inside my bag tonight. Maybe even pants in the morning!