Day 11
Day 11 - Slept way in, screwed around most of the day. Finally in early afternoon, climbed up the Angel Trail, came to the road, and walked out. Angel Trail pretty fun, a lot of slickrock, cool views. No shade whatsoever. Walked a couple of hours on the dirt road, made it to the pavement just before dark, couldn't get anyone to stop for me before it got dark, so turned around and walked back a few minutes and camped.
Day 12 - Got up, made breakfast with the last of my water, packed up, went back to the pavement, and the first truck by gave me a ride into Hanksville. Then it was back to my brothers in Castle Dale. Still had better than a week off work, so ended up doing a couple of days on the San Rafael River. [This is the trip that is in black and white. It hasn't been posted yet, but will be eventually].