River Gorge and Saddle Horse Canyon March 2000
This is the second time that I did this trip. The first time I had no camera with me, so I did it again later. This is the trip where I tore my Achilles tendon and collapsed my arch.. I had meant to climb on Sids mountain and get the pictures that I had missed on the first trip, but when I got up the morning of day 3 at my camp in the bottom of Saddle Horse Canyon, I could barely walk. Instead I struggled up the canyon to the spring that's to the east of Joe and His Dog, and stayed the night and the next day trying to heal up a bit. The 5th day went up and through the pass into the North Fork of Coal Wash, then climbed out onto the Head of Sinbad and met my ride. Not my funnest trip, but definitely one I remember because I have had problems off and on with both the Achilles and the arch ever since.